Tuesday 8 February 2011


Well far be it from me to try and dupe you into thinking it's so snowy I've not managed to get out on my bike (see photo) - but I wasn't sure how else to dramatise, emphasise and get across how COLD it is! The photo was taken in my street in December...but it really is freezing out there today. So here's what's been happening - well as far as my getting out on my bike goes - there is no news!! Yesterday I was working all day in Aberdeen, and today I did think about going out on my bike, but it was so cold that instead I ate two creme eggs and had a cup of tea. Oh my..none of that is good news is it? Last week when I went out on a freezing day I got back to my house, jumped off my bike and couldn't straighten up as my thigh muscles seemed to have contracted to the size of a sparrows thigh muscles...not sure sparrows have thigh muscles, but you get the idea. I got in a hot bath and after warming myself up I was able to straighten up again - so today I opted out as it was -0.5 degrees celsius...I believe that is within the thigh contracting temperature range...so I opted out.
Tomorrow I'm going to SHELTER in Dundee to meet the manager and hear what projects they're running at the moment, and what money raised is used for.
So, more tomorrow - who knows I might even get out on my bike!
"The best way to get something done is to begin." - Author unknown

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