Tuesday 18 January 2011

Family & Friends

Hello again!

You may remember from one of my earlier blogs my idea that family & friends in Canada could sponsor me for the cycling event in September, with the money they raise being donated to the Canadian homeless charity, "Raising the Roof" - well I have decided to offer the same opportunity to my family and friends in Australia.

I have been in touch with Tony Clark, the founder and chairman of a Melbourne based, but Australia wide charity called "Swags for the Homeless Ltd" http://www.swags.org.au/ Tony is going to send me the details to set up a donation page similar to the one I have for SHELTER (Scotland).

I will pass on that page to all my Australian contacts once it's all set up!

I had a look at several of the Australian homeless charities, and I was drawn to support "Swags for the homeless" because it provides a real, practical piece of kit, " The backpack bed" at $68 for homeless people who get turned away from shelters, this avoids the undignified and uncomfortable aspect of sleeping on concrete, or seeking protection by being covered in cardboard and paper. You can see all the benefits of the backpack bed by visit the swags for the homeless site above. There are over 104,600 homeless in Australia and Swags for the Homeless is run 100% by unpaid volunteers.

Their charity goals are:

1. To nationally improve, support and bring back dignity to homeless people.

2. To establish, conduct and manage projects focused on the homeless.

3. To assist and conduct social welfare and relief work including the relief of poverty, sickness, suffering and misfortune.

Now to update you on the training....ahh yes, well...the thing is....my bike is still in the shop in Forfar being serviced and as soon as it's ready I really will update you on my training, but right now there's nothing to report!

Time for a cup of tea - more soon!

"Don't try to drive the homeless into places we find suitable. Help them survive in places they find suitable." - Daniel Quinn.

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