Thursday 13 January 2011

Servicing, assessments & mascara

I took my bike into Andrew at The Outdoor Store in Forfar yesterday for a my two wheeled friend will be unrecognisable when I see him again. Different tyres..a front's like me getting a new pair of trousers and a new hairdo.
Lee the personal trainer guy also called me back, partly I was hoping he'd forget, but alas he texted then rang - there was no escape.
Next Thursday I'll be going in for my health assessment with Lee..oh good, something to look forward to!
He says it takes about an hour, but maybe if I just get really chatty and he's only got an hour to do my assessment I'll only actually have to do half an hour of the workout. It's worth a go I reckon.
I emailed the Canadian homelessness charity Raising the Roof last week but I never heard back from them, so tonight I rang one of the events organisers. It just went to voice mail and I left as non-scottish a message as I could, but let me tell you it wasn't easy. Not sure if she'll understand ANYTHING that I said, but I did say I'd ring back.
I've ordered some more cycle path maps today - and it looks like I've made a mistake! I thought (first mistake) that I would just go from Inverness up the A9 towards Thurso but it looks like that's not as good a road as following the cycle route which takes you from Inverness to near Tain, then Lairg, then Tongue then across to Thurso. This makes it a considerably longer route (second mistake). Oh well, I've got several months to be getting so fit I'll be able to laugh in the face of the gale force winds, driving rain and cars that hate me being on the road.
The SHELTER events lady emailed and is going to send me a t-shirt and wait for it..a rain poncho for the event. I guess I'll not be spotted for a modelling career on this fund raiser. Yes, yes, I's not about that. I will however still be sticking to my daily routine of moisturising, slapping on the make up and of course the lippy...oh and the mascara which might have to be an even heavier duty waterproof version of what I currently use.

"The bicycle is a curious vehicle. Its passenger is its engine." - John Howard

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